Resistances 2020 launch, an emergency arts and health program to address the Covid-19 crisis

Tilder – Programme « Résistances 2020 » de AAD-fund
Resistances 2020 Program, AAD-fund, Chroniques de Cape Town ©Yasser Booley

2020 will forever go down in history as the year of the Covid-19 global pandemic. Although Africa initially seemed to withstand the coronavirus better than most, the social, economic, and societal impact of this pandemic has proven quite devastating for the people. To address this situation, African Artists for Development (AAD-fund) has decided to set up the Resistances 2020 program immediately, starting in May 2020. This program focuses its efforts in three countries. Its goal is to provide food, education, and health care to communities affected by the pandemic while creating an artistic, historical record of this period for future generations.

Resistances 2020 creates a unique link between three African countries, three development partners, and three artists. The artistic account of these daily endeavors is created by chroniclers, illustrators, and photographers who, for one year, will capture “moments of life,” writing about three African figures actively involved in helping the local population fight against the effects of the pandemic.

In Cape Town, AAD-fund has partnered with the social enterprise GrowBox to fight food insecurity by creating an Urban Farmers’ Market and a market gardening area. In Abomey, AAD-fund has partnered with Beninese artist Dominique

Zinkpè to develop a beautiful library at the Lieu Unik, a place where people can exchange and create art. Furthermore, in Bukavu, AAD-fund has partnered with Gratien Chibungiri and his organization SOS-Sida to support the Centre Médico-Social Solidarité so that it can continue to welcome and care for people with AIDS and victims of sexual violence.

Over the course of the year 2020, the Abomey (Benin), Bukavu (Democratic Republic of Congo), and Cape Town (South Africa) columns will share with us the daily lives of those who have decided to rise to the challenge and bring hope to the world, despite the immense difficulties they have encountered in the field.

Resistances 2020 is yet again proof that when the power of artistic creation is combined with the energy of those who want to improve Africa, the light of confidence and life is ignited.

Cape Town (South Africa), Bukavu (Democratic Republic Congo), Abomey (Benin)

